Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Link me up, Scotty

A few links for you to peruse in your spare time.  I have a lot of this lately.

The first is from a monster database/encyclopedia.  Based off of Wil Hygen's book of gnomes (which I have previously cited on this blog long ago), this account of gnomes is pretty classic.  Also, this doesn't end with just gnomes, the rest of the site is full of cool entries on all sorts of things that go bump in the night including aliens, Godzilla, fairies, and mummies.

Speaking of nerds... this next one is from World of Warcraft, of which I do not play.  I gave up on the franchise after War Craft Three, some things are just too time consuming.  Anyway, this is the WoW (i cant believe i just used that acronym) site's article on gnomes.  It seems that they have confused gnomes for gremlins, or some sort of mechanically inclined dwarf.  Either way, I'm not impressed.

I included this website because, well...  why not?  They seem to be passionate about gnomes, just like me.  So, I figure, a little free promotion doesn't hurt.  Although, no one reads my blog anyway.  According to this site, there is a World Wide Gnome Association with a president...  and a queen.  This site is full of links to gnome related material, including poetry, diaries, pictures, biographies, etc.  Not sure how many are dead links, but you can find out for yourself.

This last link is for all the gardeners and outdoorsy types who like to decorate with gnome themed items.
Gnome Town USA (appears to be somewhere in northern New Jersey) sells garden gnomes in three sizes, outdoor furniture, birdhouses, and artificial rocks (I can't imagine why).

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Drinking does not require any senses

See no Evil, Hear no Evil, Speak no Evil  is a Japanese maxim from the 17th century. Not only is it a symbolic philosophical teaching tool, it is also an example of word play. The idea is a lesson in morality, basically, be of good mind, body, and spirit, do good always, etc, or pessimistically a statement on how ignorance is perceived as bliss. Instead of monkeys, the above cartoon uses gnomes to not only speak to the blissful act of self indulgence, but also to puns and word play.  

By the way, remember Ottmar Hoerl, the German artist? He also did a gnome model of this very same maxim. Check out this and other works here

Friday, June 3, 2011


So, I was searching the interwebs, as I often do when bored. Sometimes I find interesting things. Today, as I wandered around the internet I found an independent comic site. There are a lot of these on the web. Some are stupid web comics with kindergarten drawings of angry faces, or stick figures with adult content, pretty lame and unfunny. But occasionally I run into good things like Mike Maihack's CowShell graphics, or Peterson and Nicholle's Jesus Christ in the Name of the Gun. Today I found Angry Gnome Comics!

Since this blog has a theme, I bet you saw something like this coming.  Although, aside from the name, Angry Gnome Comics has nothing to do with gnomes as far as I can tell.  Horror comics are pretty awesome, and this one seems to have plugged into the horror pulp magazine vibe, especially with their short story collaboration books.  This is refreshing, as it seems like contemporary horror comics are all about zombies, or vampires.

Personally, I like my horror comics to have a sense of humor, like the Goon.