Saturday, May 24, 2014

Busty, The Jesus Gnome

There is this crazy inborn ability humans have to recognize patterns, and faces, and patterns of faces. There are tons of examples, like the Man in the Mountain or the face on Mars. Sometimes this recognition ability gets coupled with religious fervor, and you get stories like people who find Jesus in their food.

Anyway, the other day, this woman in Tennessee found Jesus again, hiding out in a ceramic garden gnome. Quick, call the Vatican! but, it's not just Jesus inside a garden gnome... it's the head of Jesus, on a woman's body inside a garden gnome. This little transgendered wrinkle will probably nix it from being considered a miracle by the Holy See.

This story appeared on ABC News, in local papers, and on the Huffington Post, among others, I'm sure.

It is a pretty cool coincidence. I find pareidolia to be a cool human instinct and survival mechanism. But, in order to find this thing, the poor garden gnome had to lose his face! What a tragedy. Some pictures are below...

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